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Summary of Workstreams

This study is...

This study is in set up stage.

This initial programme of work is divided into four workstreams:

Workstream one

We will develop and test new definitions of illnesses becoming worse during pregnancy.

Workstream two

We will test how well the current system picks up illnesses while using the new definitions.

Workstream three

We will develop a new electronic Modified Obstetric Early Warning Score and test how well this spots illness becoming worse.

Workstream four

We will develop a way to digitally display the new electronic Modified Obstetric Early Warning Score on maternity units, to help staff to give women the right care at the right time.

Updated: Thursday, 25 July 2024 13:02 (v29)

Contact us

For more information about DREaMED, please contact the project team at or +44 (0)1865 231102

Address: Kadoorie Centre, The John Radcliffe, Headley Way, Headington, Oxford, OX3 9DU