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Use of your personal data

What will happen with my information?

All information you provide will be kept securely at the University of Oxford. Your identifiable information will only be used for the purposes stated and will not be shared with anyone else. The study team will keep a record of your direct identifiers (e.g., data of birth, NHS number) for 1-3 years after the end of the study at which time, direct identifiers will be destroyed. Pseudonymised research data (which does not contain names so individuals will not be recognisable) will be retained for 25 years in line with the University of Oxford archiving policy and the MRC Retention Framework for Research Data and Records and relevant legislation. 

How do I opt-out from my hospital data being used by the DREaMED research team?

If you do not want your data to be used specifically for our study, you can withdraw at any time by contacting your local hospital research and development department. Contact details for your local hospital research and development team or Principal Investigator for the study are available on our DREaMED Research Sites page. They will ask you to provide your full name and one other identifier (a piece of data used to identify you) for our records.

If you have previously completed the National Data Opt-Out, which enables patients to opt out from the use of their data for research or planning purposes, we will have automatically excluded your data from all phases of the study. More information about the National NHS data opt-out is available on the NHS Digital opt-out website.

How do I opt-out from the stakeholder interview data being used by the DREaMED research team?

You are free to end your participation at any point. You have two options:

  1. You can end your participation but allow us to retain the data already collected. This means ending your participation in the study, but not your involvement.
  2. You can withdraw from the study. If you wish to withdraw, we will destroy all information gathered from you. This is possible up until the point where we commence analysis, when it will no longer be possible to identify your individual information.

Both options would not affect your care in any way.

If you consented to take part in the DREaMED interviews, and you would like to end your involvement or withdraw, please email the study team at with your full name and participant ID.

Further information for DREaMED project participants

The results of the project will be published in scientific journals and reports. It will not be possible to identify you from any publications or reports resulting from this project. The information you provide may be shared with other researchers for the purposes of related research. It will not be possible to identify you from the data we share.

Updated: Thursday, 25 July 2024 13:05 (v17)

Contact us

For more information about DREaMED, please contact the project team at or +44 (0)1865 231102

Address: Kadoorie Centre, The John Radcliffe, Headley Way, Headington, Oxford, OX3 9DU