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How can I participate?

This study is...

This study is in set up stage.

For workstream 1,2 and 3 we will be using data that has already been collected. However, for workstream 4 we would like the input of up to 160 stakeholders, including maternity staff, women who have been pregnant and their families in the development of new steps to communicate concerns when women become unwell and require treatment.

Healthcare professionals- Who can participate?

Healthcare professional whose role includes the care, management and escalation of hospitalised women who deteriorate in maternity services.

In which part of the project can I be involved?

Stakeholder Focus Groups and Interviews: Interface development

Those who agree to take part will be asked to participate in interviews or focus groups lasting up to 6 hours in total. In these interviews/groups, you will help us develop the key design elements and functionality of the eMOEWS web-interface.

Stakeholder Focus Groups and Interviews: Escalation Pathway Development

Those who agree to take part will be asked to participate in one interview or focus group lasting approximately one hour. In these interviews/groups, you will help us develop key elements of the escalation Pathway.

Simulation Scenario: Staff Training

The research team will develop three simulated scenarios informed by the brief clinical scenarios used for development of the NHSE/I National MOEWS. Those who agree to take part will be asked to participate to a simulator scenario training session at one of four training centres. Each scenario recorded will be approximately 15 minutes long. The training will be facilitated by a member of the research team.

How will recruitment happen?

Staff identified through the medical and midwifery leads, and local champions will be approached to take part in the focus group and interviews and/or simulation.

Women and families- Who can participate?

Women who have experienced a complication during pregnancy or childbirth, or someone close to them.

In which part of the project can I be involved?

Stakeholder Focus Groups and Interviews: Escalation Pathway Development

Those who agree to take part will be asked to participate in one interview or focus group lasting approximately one hour (in addition to up to twenty minutes to discuss the study information and seek your consent). During the interview/focus group, a member of the research team will ask some guiding questions on your experiences during pregnancy or childbirth.

How will recruitment happen?

They will be invited to participate using posters in our partner hospitals. These interviews will also include women and partners from diverse groups. They will be identified using posters in our partner hospitals and through contacts with our trusted community support groups.

Updated: Thursday, 25 July 2024 11:19 (v68)

Contact us

For more information about DREaMED, please contact the project team at or +44 (0)1865 231102

Address: Kadoorie Centre, The John Radcliffe, Headley Way, Headington, Oxford, OX3 9DU