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Work package 4

Use experience-based co-design to develop a 'toolkit' to improve the practice of intermittent auscultation.

Working closely with The Point of Care Foundation, we will use experience-based co-design, informed by work packages 1, 2 and 3, to develop a practical 'toolkit' and an implementation plan, which we will test for feasibility, acceptability and effectiveness in NHS settings.

What is experience based co-design?

Experience-based co-design (EBCD) engages healthcare staff and service users in partnership to develop and improve services. EBCD is a collaborative approach that centres the experience of staff and service users, based on the premise that successful quality improvement of a healthcare process must incorporate the perspectives of those providing and using the service. We will follow the six stages of EBCD:

Diagram of a cycle of six stages: celebration event, setting up, engaging staff and gathering experiences, engaging patients and gathering experiences, co-design meeting, small co-design teams. Repeat.
Six stages of the EBCD approach (Source: Donetto et al, 2015)

How will EBCD work in Listen2Baby?

EBCD is a really flexible, practical approach, so while the format will broadly follow the six stages we will tailor what we do to the needs of the project. We will share the findings from the ethnography in work package 2 with midwives and ask them to prioritise issues for co-design. We will make a short film about women's and partners experiences, share this with our Lived-experience User Group and ask them to prioritise the key issues for them. We will then bring everyone together to agree shared priorities for co-design. Everyone will then work together in small groups over a period of months to co-design solutions. These solutions will form our 'toolkit', which will be tested in our NHS partner sites in Work package 5.

Finally, we will all get together for a celebration and launch event!

When will the EBCD start?

The co-design events are scheduled to start at the beginning of 2024.

Updated: Monday, 03 April 2023 16:05 (v6)