Make every contact count – pregnancy Covid-19 vaccination infographic
Published on Monday, 20 December 2021
Hesitancy around the COVID-19 vaccination in pregnancy remains high. The consequences are increased hospitalisation, ITU admissions, premature delivery, stillbirth and maternal death. This infographic was designed by the GPs Championing Perinatal Care (GPCPC) network in collaboration with UKOSS and MBRRACE-UK to help health care professionals convey the key facts around the vaccine's safety to women. It has never been more important to encourage vaccination in pregnant women and make every contact count.
This infographic was co-developed by Drs Sarah Hillman, Becky MacGregor (Unit of academic primary care University of Warwick), Judy Shakespeare (Chair of GPCPC) and Marian Knight (NPEU) and has been endorsed by the RCGP, RCOG, RCM, iHV, RPS, GPCPC, MOMs and UKTIS.