Surveillance of spontaneous haemoperitoneum in pregnancy (SHiP)
Six maternal deaths occurred between 2009 and 2012 in the UK that were attributed to rupture of non-aortic aneurysms, however little is known about morbidity during that time. Spontaneous Haemoperitoneum in Pregnancy (SHiP) is the occurence of sudden haemorrhage intraabdominally in pregnancy (unrelated to trauma or rupture of the uterus) and has been associated with endometriosis, rupture of uterine artery or varicose veins and aneurysms of the splenic artery. SHiP is rare but potentially fatal for both mother and baby but it is currently extremely difficult to estimate the incidence of SHiP. This study will investigate the incidence, risk factors and outcomes for women who experience SHiP using the UK Obstetric SUrveillance System (UKOSS) as part of a collaborative project for the International Network of Obstetric Surveillance Systems (INOSS).