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NPEU News: The PEARL study is underway!
The study team are now analysing the bespoke linked dataset. Watch the space for news about our results!
Analysis by Frank-Leonel Tianyi Tianyi and the PEARL study team examined whether women who have children after fertility problems are at increased risk of postpartum depression using electronic health records: The association between conception history and subsequent postpartum depression and/or anxiety: Evidence from the Clinical Practice Research Datalink 1991-2013
The Taking pART study explored how people decide to allow their fertility data to be used in research: 'I haven't met them, I don't have any trust in them. It just feels like a big unknown': a qualitative study exploring the determinants of consent to use Human Fertilisation and Embryology Authority registry data in research.
Long-term healthcare utilization and costs of babies born after assisted reproductive technologies (ART): a record linkage study with 10-years' follow-up in England
Autism and Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder in children born after subfertility and fertility treatment in England: evidence from linked primary care and fertility register records.
Published on Wednesday, 07 October 2020