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Getting evidence-based information about breast milk expression to families in neonatal units

Published on Friday, 21 February 2025 Post

The NPEU and NIHR have funded a project to bring the results of NPEU research directly to the families who can benefit from it.

Dr Ilana Levene completed a doctorate in the NPEU in 2024 on the dynamics of breast milk expression after premature (early) birth. This included evidence reviews, a randomised controlled trial and exploring factors that affect the amount of milk that mothers can express, and their long term breastfeeding outcomes.

As a neonatal doctor in the NHS, Dr Levene was keen from the beginning of the project to include a way to bring this information directly to families with babies in UK neonatal units. Early work talking to families showed that written information in the NICU is an important source of support, so Dr Levene planned to create a pack of postcards to attach to breast pumps that summarised the available evidence on optimising milk expression.

The NIHR and NPEU generously funded the provision of 650 sets of postcards and 2000 QR code stickers to over 100 UK neonatal units who requested them. This is more than half of the neonatal units in the country.

The postcards and QR stickers are also available for anyone to download, along with a larger package of staff and family posters, leaflets and infographics at

Updated: Friday, 21 February 2025 14:20 (v4)