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Care associated with stillbirth for the most disadvantaged women

Published on Friday, 16 February 2018 Post

A study by Maggie Redshaw and Jane Henderson shows that women living in the most deprived areas in England, who are most at risk of stillbirth, perceived their care more negatively than other women.

In this study, women who had suffered a stillbirth were asked nine months later about their care around the time of the stillbirth. Women resident in the most deprived areas were significantly less likely to feel spoken to so that they could understand and treated with respect. Free text comments indicated that these women had difficulty accessing care, that communication was poor, many of them did not feel cared for, and felt that more could have been done to save their baby.

The study is published in the Birth journal and you can read it here.

Updated: Friday, 20 November 2020 16:59 (v5)