MBRRACE-UK: Saving Lives, Improving Mothers' Care 2023 free online course
Free resources to support continuing professional development and preparation for examinations
This series of short films brings together presentations of the findings from MBRRACE-UK report 'Saving Lives, Improving Mothers' Care' published in October 2023 of lessons learned from maternal deaths in 2019-2021.
This four week course of short films is designed to support continuing professional development and preparation for undergraduate and professional examinations.
Alongside the watching the short films we suggest you read the associated chapter in the report. Along with the report, the slide set associated with each film is also available on the MBRRACE-UK website and these slides are available for you to use and share with colleagues in presentations you and they may give.
Please register below to sign up to receive further notifications about the course, including weekly emails*.
*By signing up to receive the free online course notifications you are agreeing to be added to the MBRRACE-UK mailing list. We may contact you from time to time about other MBRRACE-UK news and events which may be of interest to you. You can unsubscribe at any time by emailing conference@npeu.ox.ac.uk.
Course week 1:
For the first week of the MBRRACE-UK: Saving Lives, Improving Mothers' Care 2023 online course there are two presentations to watch. These two videos will be available on YouTube until 12th July 2024.
Presentation 1: The women who died by Marian Knight and Allison Felker
Associated chapter from MBRRACE report: 2. Maternal Mortality in the UK 2019-21: Surveillance and Epidemiology
Associated powerpoint slide set: 01_Saving_Lives_The_women_who_died
Presentation 2: On the labour ward: Common messages on dealing with emergencies by Roshni Patel
Associated chapters from MBRRACE report:
3. Lessons for care of women with haemorrhage or amniotic fluid embolism
5. Lessons on morbidity after repeat caesarean birth
Associated powerpoint slide set: 02_Saving_Lives_On_the_labour_ward
Course week 2:
The focus this week is on maternal infectious deaths. The three presentations by Alison Rodger, Teresa Kelly and Steve Cantellow will be available to watch until 12th July 2024. Details of the associated chapter from the MBRRACE report are provided below for further reading.
Presentation 1: Maternal infectious deaths: Where are we now? by Alison Rodger
Associated chapter from MBRRACE report: 6. Messages for the prevention and treatment of infection
Associated powerpoint slide set: 04_Saving_Lives_Maternal_infectious_deaths_Where_are_we_now
Presentation 2: Maternal infectious deaths: Lessons for maternity units by Teresa Kelly
Associated chapter from MBRRACE report: 6. Messages for the prevention and treatment of infection
Associated powerpoint slide set: 05_Saving_Lives_Maternal_infectious_deaths_Lessons_for_maternity_units
Presentation 3: Maternal infectious deaths: Multidisciplinary care by Steve Cantellow
Associated chapter from MBRRACE report: 6. Messages for the prevention and treatment of infection
Associated powerpoint slide set: 06_Saving_Lives_Maternal_infectious_deaths_Multidisciplinary_care
Course week 3:
For week 3 of the MBRRACE-UK: Saving Lives, Improving Mothers' Care 2023 online course there are two presentations to watch. The focus this week is on neurological complications. These two videos will be available on YouTube until 12th July 2024.
Presentation 1: Messages for epilepsy care by Kim Morley
Associated chapter from MBRRACE report: 8. Learning from neurological complications
Associated powerpoint slide set: 07_Saving_Lives_Messages_for_epilepsy_care
Presentation 2: Learning on stroke and other neurological disorders by Pooja Dassan
Associated chapter from MBRRACE report: 8. Learning from neurological complications
Associated powerpoint slide set: 08_Saving_Lives_Learning_on_stroke_and_other_neurological_disorders
Course week 4:
Week 4 of the course looks at lessons for anaesthetic care and general medical and surgical conditions. The two associated presentations will be available on YouTube until 12th July 2024.
Presentation 1: Lessons for anaesthetic care by Nuala Lucas
Associated chapter from MBRRACE report: 4. Improving anaesthetic care
Associated powerpoint slide set: 03_Saving_Lives__Lessons_for_anaesthetic_care
Presentation 2: Lessons on general medical and surgical conditions by Cathy Nelson-Piercy
Associated chapter from MBRRACE report: 7. Messages for the care of women with general medical and surgical conditions
Associated powerpoint slide set: 09_Saving_Lives_Lessons_on_general_medical_and_surgical_conditions
We are pleased to be able to let you know that printed copies of the 'MBRRACE-UK: Saving Lives, Improving Mothers' Care 2023: Lessons to inform maternity care from the UK and Ireland Confidential Enquiries in Maternal Death and Morbidity 2019-21' published on the 12th October 2023 are now available to purchase from our online store for a price of £10 per copy inc VAT and postage.
Buy my copy of the printed report now!
Back copies of the reports are also available to puchase. Further details are available here