1995 Survey
In 1995-1996, a review of maternity services in England and Wales was carried out by the Audit Commission. As part of the review, a National Survey of Women's Views of Maternity Care was carried out by the National Perinatal Epidemiology Unit. The survey recruited women through the Office of Population Censuses and Surveys (now the Office for National Statistics) using the register of all births in England and Wales. Women, who had given birth in England and Wales in June or July 1995, were invited to take part in the survey around four months after giving birth and a total of 2,406 women responded, a response rate of 67%.
The 1995 National Survey of Women's Views of Maternity Care found that there was considerable variation in the care that women received. The findings showed that women wanted care that is well organised, with good communication from care givers and sufficient information to understand what is happening. The findings also indicated that women wanted to be treated as individuals and with kindness and respect, and to receive help and support as and when they needed it.
A report of the overall findings from the survey was published as 'First Class Delivery'. The report is not available online.