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New NPEU CTU Clinical Director

Published on Tuesday, 22 October 2019

Read New NPEU CTU Clinical Director on the NPEU News Site

Charles studied Medicine at the Humboldt University in Berlin, Germany. He received his Paediatric training in the UK (Oxford) and at the Charité University Medical Centre in Berlin. Following the completion of his research and teaching degree at the Charité (the German Habilitation), Charles spent two years as post-doc researcher and clinician with Professors S. Hooper and P. Davis in Melbourne, Australia (2012-14) before coming to Oxford.

Charles is an avid researcher and a strong proponent of evidence-based neonatology. His main interests are in resuscitation and non-invasive ventilation, on which he has published over 100 peer reviewed scientific articles. On the European level, Charles is very active as President of the European Society for Paediatric Research (ESPR) and he is the NLS Scientific Co-Chair (European Resuscitation Council). Charles is also a co-author of the international liaison committee on resuscitation (ILCOR) working group on neonatal stabilization/ resuscitation.

Welcome to the NPEU CTU, Charles!

Updated: Monday, 23 November 2020 08:45 (v7)


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